Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine Glitter Love

Today is Shelby's last Valentine party at school. Well, I am assuming it is. Something tells me her middle school won't have Valentine, er, Friendship parties.
She went all out with the stickers and the washi tape and the foam hearts, glitter, pink font....all of it. She made the Valentine box to end all Valentine boxes.
I'm always amazed at her heart and the hugeness of it. The same girl who spewed wrath at me this morning when I suggested she wear a red dress to school ("I'm not fancy like you! I don't have to be fancy all the time!") is the same girl who made this because she "wants her friends to feel her love through the glitter." She's also the same girl who was very concerned about the boy in her class with diabetes and that maybe "Valentines Day is not sensitive to those with diabetes."
She loves so deeply and cares for others. She prays for kids at school with few friends and often leaves the crowd to comfort the lonely.
I wish I could say she gets it from me but really, we all know I'm not that nice. No, this is one of those attributes I have to give total credit to God for. She knows she is loved by her Savior and she can't even help herself sometimes. That love just oozes out, glittery and foam heart covered, to all the people around her. Okay, maybe not all the people. Apparently her brother and I are really hard to love but fortunately, I get that. Even though I didn't have a brother, I was 11 once. It was a long time ago but I remember how I felt about my mom then and it certainly wasn't glittery.
This is one of those blessings of parenting - seeing the good and the bad and the glittery and the not-so-glittery in your kids - and loving them all the while. I suppose this is one more way God shows me his goodness and reminds me that even though I am not always glittery, I'm still his Valentine.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Baking and Prayer

I did some praying this morning. Actually, I did a lot of praying. I sometimes do my best praying when I am baking. It's such an easy analogy that every time I pull out ingredients to make a delectable treat I am compelled to talk it through with God.
I made a chocolate buttermilk pound cake. It's not done or I would show you a picture. I love making pound cakes and I'm always looking for new versions to try. There is something so predictable and comforting about a pound cake. Even though the flavors and ingredients may vary, the pound cake is a sturdy, firm, delicious cake. It's not fancy or frilly. It's just sweet enough without being too sweet. It's right.
I don't make pound cakes for myself any more because, well, diabetes. But I do make them for special occasions when I know I will have opportunity to share. It's kind of becoming a thing.
The funny thing about baking is that any one of the ingredients on it's own is nothing special. A few cups of flour, some eggs, a dash of vanilla...they're all lovely and serve a purpose but no one sits down to enjoy flour. The potential of the cake comes from the combination of all the ingredients.
This morning when I pulled all of the supplies out on the counter and lined them up (you can't see the butter but I promise you there were sticks) I couldn't help but think of all the things on my mind that I wanted to talk to God about. Not one of the things alone was anything dramatic or earth shaking, yet they were all a piece of my week, month, year, life that make up who He is creating me to be.
"Thank you, God, for my husband and kids."
"I need you help in the mothering department, God."
"I could use some strength in the wife area, Lord."
"Jesus, could you take away my craving for carbs?"
All of the pieces of who God is making me to be. Not frilly or dramatic but totally worth sharing with the world. I want to be sturdy and firm in my faith and a sweet reminder of my creator. And a good baker. I'd like that as well.